

No fixed costs — you only pay salary x multiplier

In some jobs the right attitude beats perfect job applications.  Treamer is an easy and cost-friendly way to test how workers manage the job.


Registering to app and
opening shifts


  • Registering and starting using the app is fast and easy. And it doesn't oblige you to anything.

  • As soon as you get your credentials to the app you can start looking for workers. We don't charge for this!

  • Try and find workers without pressure. Our customer service is happy to help.

  • If you don't find suitable worker, you don't pay anything!


After your chosen worker has completed the shift, we charge the workers' salary multiplied by 1,85 (+ VAT)

The salary consists of your pre-defined base salary and bonuses, according to your collective agreement.  

Treamer pays salary to the worker and takes care of all employers' fees.


Request a quote

Do you need a custom-made solution for your staffing needs? Are you looking for a way to outsource your own part-time workers responsibly? Are you interested in an on-call staffing partnership?
As a VIP you get custom-made solutions for your needs. The more you order, the bigger the discount. 
Request a quote for pricing-model that better suits your staffing needs. 

What is included in the multiplier?

Employer'ss obligations and fees


Additional sick leave, child's illness and family leave payments

Employer's insurance payments: 

  • Health insurance contribution
  • Unemployment insurance payment
  • Employee pension contribution
  • Obligated employee insurance premium
  • Accident insurance premium

Occupational health care (excluding health examinations at work involving a special risk)

Payroll, government declarations and general government expenses

Recruitment and administration fees


Application service fee and daily customer service by phone and e-mail

Recruitment process for staff (job ads in multiple channels, prescreening, additional interviews)

Documentation for employment (contracts, salary documents, employment certificate)

Treamer app service fee


The use of easiest staff management app 24/7 

In Treamer app you can: 

Publish jobs and browse applicants' profiles

Select workers for shifts and interview them 

Create and maintain groups of your own go-to workers

Plan and manage shifts via Calendar view 

Review and accept workers' submitted hours for payment

Kilometre and per diem allowances

Possible kilometre and per diem allowances related to completion of the job are payed separately upon an agreement with the worker and charged with multiplier 1,1. 


Pricing example



  • Employers' fees
  • Recruitment and administration
  • Application fees
Workers hourly fee

12.95 €

Based on Commercial sector's collective agreement's B1-salary group (excluding CA-additions) in Helsinki Metropolian area. 

Worker is always entitled to additional holiday compensation for each shift. In the Commercial sector's agreement it is 10% from the earnings. 

You pay


+ Value added tax (VAT)

Questions about our pricing? 
Interested in custom-made solutions for your staffing needs? 

Ready to start?