Staffing on the Go - Find, Chat and Book Workers on your Mobile


Finding and managing workers on the go is tough, whether you’re not at your computer, or you just happen to be outside of the workplace, emergencies and the need to find and manage staff still arise.

Now it got a bit easier.

With our latest launches on the mobile, you will be able to find a list of the people you’ve worked with in the past or are part of your pools, chat with them and book them directly for a shift. 

If you’ve not done it yet, you can download the Employer mobile app from the App Store or Google Play (QR codes at the bottom of the page), and log in as a business user.

🔎 Find 

To find a Worker you’ve worked with in the past or who is a member of your pool, Navigate to the ‘Workers’ menu item. From here you can type their name in the search bar or find them from the list.

💬 Chat 

To chat with the Worker, you can press ‘Chat’ next to the Worker's name and from here you can message them and send them links or files that might be useful for their work.

✏️ Book

If you’ve already agreed a day and time for that person to work, you can book them directly for a shift without having to ask them to apply. Just tap ‘Book’ and follow the prompts.

When you have completed the book shift steps, the worker will automatically be hired and we will send them a confirmation notification to let them know.

Workers page (1)

Alternatively if you want to add a shift for all Treamers to apply to, that you can select at a later date, you can do that by following these steps.

Did you find any functionality missing from this latest release? If so we'd love to hear more, drop us an email at 


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Me Treamerilla olemme mullistamassa keikkatyötä maailman nopeimman työnvälityssovelluksen avulla. Sovelluksemme on käytössä jo sadoilla yrityksillä sekä tuhansilla tekijöillä - jotta työ saadaan tehdyksi. Olemme Helsingistä lähtöisin oleva startup. Tällä hetkellä toimimme niin Suomessa kuin Virossa.

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