
Full-time job or gig work?

Written by Treamer | Feb 28, 2023 6:22:59 AM

62%* of Treamer workers were not preferring full time employment over gig work

Today’s gig workers are not sure about the future after pandemic, highest inflation in decades and economic downturn. These are also reasons which affect many gig workers' preference to stay as a gig worker - gig work just simply fits into their life stage.

When we asked from Treamer workers if they would prefer a full-time job over a gig work, even 62% of workers were not preferring full time employment over gig work.


Most common reason to prefer gig work is flexibility

One of the Gig Economy’s main characteristics is flexibility and the same finding was clearly seen in our survey. The most common reason (43%) to prefer gig work over permanent was the flexibility:

“Full-time work feels burdensome and the lack of flexibility is annoying in full-time jobs. I like that there is variation in the weeks and that not all days are the same.”

“I want to choose working hours, places and tasks”

The second most common reason (41%) was the easy extra cash available through doing gig work:

“Everyone needs money to live - gig work helps in that”

Rest of the workers who preferred gig work over full time employment listed various reasons - one highlighted personal reasons and another the feeling of the own control like:

“I can define myself how much I work”

In addition they said that gig work fit in their life situation was the biggest driver to stay as a gig worker. As one worker said:

”In the current life situation, I couldn't imagine any other options than gig work”


What about full-time job?

The other group who preferred a full time job (38%) did it because of better financial security (53%). In addition workers preferred “only one place where to work” (27%) and overall future planning would be easier in a full time job (20%).

“The future could be planned for a week longer.”

“I’ve done gig work for many years and I wish I could get a permanent job. It     
    scares me whether I will be able to get by in the future with my pension.”

“You get a lot of job benefits and better salary from permanent job”

The most common reason for this group to do gig work was the easy extra cash (47%):

“Gig work is so easy, my hobby is to earn extra money instead of going into gym”

“I need more money to pay for the children's hobbies”

Second most common reason to do gig work was learning opportunities (26%):

“I do gig work because I want to learn new skills” 


Our findings

Overall our findings are reflecting modern worker behavior in today’s economic uncertainty by providing more flexible working options. Even 83% of workers who took part in the survey said that they are planning to do gig work at least a couple times a month.

As seen in this worker survey there are several reasons why the gig economy is becoming more like the new normal also in Finland.

However, there is a traditional worker group who prefers full time jobs as they give more secure for the future, better salary and benefits.


About the survey:

*Treamer conducted an online survey for its workers in February 2023.
N=101. Survey was in English and Finnish, and for Finnish workers only.



About us

We at Treamer are revolutionizing the gig economy with the world's fastest staffing platform for the service industry. Our platform is used by hundreds of companies and thousands of workers to get the work done. We are based in Helsinki, seed funded and operating in both Finland and Estonia.

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